The Budget Committee meets to receive the budget and tax rates message, to review the proposed budget and tax rates, to provide opportunity for public input, and to approve the budget and tax rates.

The Budget Committee is comprised of the governing body of the council of governments and additional city residents. Appointments are at the discretion of the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council.

A Budget Committee must have a quorum, or majority of the total membership of the committee, present in order to hold a meeting. To take any action requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the total Budget Committee membership. Majority is defined as one more than half unless otherwise specified by law.

Membership on City Committees are open to all interested citizens subject to the qualifications determined by each individual committee as necessary for the conduct of its business. There shall be no discrimination of applicants based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, marital status, family status, status as a Vietnam-era or special disabled veteran, or membership in any other group protected by law in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws. The City of Sodaville encourages participation in its affairs by all people, especially those who are represented in public involvement.

If you are intersted in becoming part of the Budget Committee, contact sodaville@cityofsodaville.org

TERM (In addition to all 5 Council members)
1) 2021-2023 Tim Bartley
2) 2021-2023 Tim Bartley
3) 2022-2024 Hon. Lori McAllen
​​​​​​​4) 2022-2024 Faith Pires (Chair 2023)
​​​​​​​4) 2023-2025 Tammi Lewis (Chair 2022)